About Me

About Me

Who am I

Hey there, my name is Tiago Rodrigues. I hold a Master’s Degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering at the University of Porto, Portugal, having completed my thesis in July of this year. Also, I just got back from an incredible 6 month Erasmus experience at the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.

How I got here

I started this journey through programming the day I decided that I was pretty good at video games. Naturally, I thought that I was the perfect fit for a software developer. A few months later I enrolled in the area, and boy did I find out I was wrong. Luckily I stuck with it, and now here I am, not imagining myself doing anything else.

What I like to do

Every day I strive to be better than the day before. I believe in the power of small, incremental changes and continuous improvement, and one of my favorite books of all time is Atomic Habits. I am also a pretty big fan of Andrew Huberman and his approach to Personal Development. Besides all this, you will most commonly see me going to the gym and keeping myself fit, learning about productivity, watching Benfica games, or traveling the world with my girlfriend.

Oh, and I use Arch, btw. And I type in Dvorak, btw. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy it!